
Chinese medicine treatment of osteoporosis

Chinese medicine to treat osteoporosis

osteoporosis in the elderly is no longer the patent, according to several surveys, more and more young people to bone health has been lit red. Now, let us look at how Chinese medicine treatment of osteoporosis, the osteoporosis medicine in the prevention and treatment has advantages do?

Chinese belong to osteoporosis "bone atrophy , marrow, bone Bi ", the view that the pathogenesis of kidney and spleen, we focused on the use of Bushenzhuanggu pathogenesis, treatment of spleen qi rules.

one Bushenzhuanggu method

under "Kidneys bone" theory of Chinese medicine, kidney is the key to osteoporosis, so treatment should Bushenzhuanggu, if the kidney essence is sufficient, then the bones hard and strong. with Young, etc. Select degradation of the 11 patients with osteoporosis, according to the clinical manifestations into kidney and kidney yang, respectively the left and right normalized Pill Pill treatment, even serving 2 months, the results of 9 patients with low back pain symptoms significantly reduced or disappeared, X-ray showed significantly higher bone mineral density in 6 cases. Wang and other benefits with the kidney and bone paste (Rehmannia, Epimedium, Placenta, Alisma, keel, etc.) treatment of osteoporosis in menopausal women , 3 months after medication, the patient flex, ulna bone mineral content increased compared with before treatment. Liang added, etc. to break, Loranthaceae, cornus, Drynaria, cultivated land and other treatment in 58 cases, kidney symptoms improved and the average bone mineral density rose slightly, with forearm bone mineral content increased significantly compared with before treatment, while the control group showed a progressive decrease. The above cases show that the clinical treatment of osteoporosis from kidney disease to kidney deficiency symptoms only improved, and the bone mineral content, bone mineral density testing and other indicators can also be improved, confirming the kidney herbs on osteoporosis treatment excellent effect.

Second, Qi and spleen, promoting blood circulation of Liver

Spleen Kidney essence deficiency, bone dystrophy, fragile bones and weak, resulting in osteoporosis. Therefore, treatment should be qi and blood circulation, tone the liver spleen. Japan Jinjing Cheng-line Treatment of the spleen with a bone Modified osteoporosis disease, showed significant increases in bone salt, can improve the anemia and menopause index. Salvia Zhang, etc. that can fracture the formation of collagen fibers increased calcium deposits rich Salvia can be proved from the adjacent bone fracture the mobilization of calcium, to meet the new bone formation on the need for calcium, indicating that SM has a direct role in regulating calcium metabolism.

above information shows that Chinese medicine in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis has the potential and advantages.

