
Ejiao help you from osteoporosis Ejiao】 【century Church

Ejiao help you from osteoporosis

" gelatin out of East Azerbaijan, named donkey-hide gelatin. Chinese medicine practitioners do not do not know the donkey-hide gelatin, donkey-hide glue does not know the East must be the counterfeit medicine. "As President of the World Federation of Chinese orthopedics, vice president of Association of Chinese Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine tenured professor said.

" not only rich in gelatin collagen, but also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals, regular consumption can overcome cartilage metabolism, the role of the blood qi also enable better absorption of calcium. "Shanghai University of TCM, deputy director of the Committee of Experts then Professor Qian Yongyi Shi Qi as saying that water is rich in collagen fibers donkey-hide gelatin, why do young juicy? Is it because of skin rich in collagen fibers. Collagenous fibers of the cartilage is very good, The role of anti friction, the elderly lack of collagen fibers occurs arthritis. Similarly, if our blood less collagen fibers, easy to harden.

"donkey-hide gelatin in the collagen can prevent osteoporosis. "Qian Yi explained that the high content of gelatin Hydroxyproline, easy and phosphorus combine to make a real strong bones, calcium is otherwise difficult to achieve.

Osteoporosis is the most common illnesses in the elderly, osteoporosis is reduced bone density and bone mass disease, resulting in decreased bone strength, easy-to-fracture of a systemic bone disease. sub branch of the Chinese Medical Association Standing Committee of Zhejiang Palit Provincial TCM Hospital director Shi Ren Chao introduced, the disease is mild cases of bone pain, affect quality of life, severe concurrent fracture, increasing the patient's disability and mortality. The occurrence of osteoporosis and endocrine, genetic, nutritional factors and so on.

Shanghai survey data show that the prevalence of osteoporosis in the elderly men and 60.72%, female 90.47%. The survey also found that 65-year-old women, nearly half of people suffering have osteoporosis, while men reach the age of 80 until this level.

Why is osteoporosis so "popular" women? Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, said Qi Yu, MD, director of gynecology and obstetrics, during pregnancy , pregnant women should continue to provide the children a lot of calcium to ensure the normal development of the bones. To make children's bones more stronger adult, lactating mothers have to go through the growth of milk supplies calcium which children. So , ready to be a mother to be conscious of women's intake of some more calcium in order to meet the children and their needs. Otherwise, the shortfall will be in by the mother's bone dissolution.

the same time, studies have shown that An important task of female hormones is to enhance the activity of osteoblasts, preventing dissolution of calcium in the bones, so bones get stronger. But to 40-year-old female, ovarian function begins to diminish after menopause, estrogen levels begin sharply. doctors discovered that postmenopausal women in 1 / 5 of people there lack of calcium. Therefore, since births by physiological changes pregnancy, women more likely than men to osteoporosis.

Shi Ren Chao said that osteoporosis is a silent disease that, at the beginning and no obvious symptoms, but once the symptoms, his condition may be serious. It makes bones become fragile, can easily cause fractures. the health of the patient quality of life and society have a serious impact on health care burden.

so, how should we prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis do?

Chinese medicine, the disease occurs mainly related with the kidney essence deficiency. kidney essence, the main bone marrow, bone growth and development, strong or weak and close ups of kidney essence. adequate kidney essence, the biological active bone marrow, bone marrow raised the strong get stronger and kidney essence deficiency, the lack of source of biochemical bone marrow, bone dystrophy and atrophy weak weak.

Shi Ren Chao introduction, donkey-hide gelatin has a good liver and kidney, essence and blood, strong bones and muscles of the role. such as the "Supplements outline" in the records, the gelatin to "internal injuries back pain treatment, strong Shenjin, Tim Jing Gu Shen." used to treat liver and kidney deficiency, Yin and Blood deficiency caused by atrophy of soft bones. These patients taking donkey-hide gelatin, collagen can be added protein, the muscle strength of bone health, to achieve the purpose of prevention of osteoporosis.

modern medicine, calcium deficiency is osteoporosis an important reason, therefore, increased calcium intake, promote Diet therapy is the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis the key. and modern pharmacology has also confirmed that the gelatin in the food and medicine, the meaning of homologous collagen-rich protein, can promote the absorption of calcium, while donkey-hide gelatin and rich in potassium, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium and other minerals, regular consumption, the body can increase the calcium intake, and promote strong bone growth and can promote calcium absorption and storage, can be effective in preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis, and for the prevention of pediatric calcium, and promote healthy development of very good.

